Random flickr finds as I was doing some research...
Extremely clever composition, and a great title, "Washington, DC on $85 a Day."
An excellent shot of French electronic group Justice's show setup. The symbolism, the power...
...and this will only be meaningful if you've ever worked in IT (or a related department)...
30 4月 2008
Top-__ Most Anticipated Albums of 2008
At the moment, my CD wishlist is about 40 entries long (though it's all old(er) material), but here's the unreleased stuff I'm most excited about (it is bound to grow in the coming days)...
Untitled (3rd Studio Album) - Matisyahu
Untitled (3rd Studio Album) - Imogen Heap
The Anti-Mother - Norma Jean
Untitled (2nd Studio Album) - Family Force 5
I'm finishing up a project for a client today, and (as usual) a media search on the web brought me down a completely different path, culminating in my discovery of this amazing quartet of words: Boreal (or Septentrional), Austral, Occidental, and Oriental. While the majority already were in my vocabulary, the fact that they form this elite, four-member association was fascinating. Kind of like when an algorithm makes you see how amazingly integrated the language of mathematics is, or when you see how thorough G-d has been in every aspect of creation (though the latter cannot compare with the former). Wow.
In Judaism Today (25 Nissan 5768):
Omer 11
28 4月 2008
Goodies. Woo-hoo!
Vinyl is a format I have wanted to delve into for some time now, though its exotic nature means that much of my favorite music will never see light on the medium. The fact that my favorite band is Demon Hunter (Christian metal band) makes that prospect all the more bleak.
However, I was overwhelmed to find out last week that they would be releasing their latest, "Storm the Gates of Hell," on double 12" white vinyl. Oh my goodness. This was over before it started. Two copies, please. Plus, since I'm in The Blessed Resistance, I get them signed; now, I'm not a major proponent of fan clubs (and the 'geekiness' implicit in belonging to one), but sometimes you just cannot beat the perks. Hahahaha. Now I just need DH to follow suit with "Summer of Darkness."
On a different front,I don't know if I'm outgrowing gaming or if the quality has simply diminished. An argument for the latter is that I still love a good SFC, N64, or Dreamcast game. At the moment I cannot accurately estimate the number of systems (and subsequent games) that I have owned since my childhood, and in hindsight, I regret having sold them all (though, after all, one was always sold for another).
Part of collecting (anything) is the hunt (and anticipation, and waiting), so it's been admittedly fun roaming about on the look for the old games/systems which I so once cherished. The fact that I now only buy Japanese systems adds a further level of authenticity that I now feel their English counterparts lack. The newest addition:
Now, I just need one of these to show its face:
I just realized something - maybe playing games and listening to heavy music is a prerequisite for having a Computing degree. Hahahahaha.
In Judaism Today (23 Nissan 5768):
Omer 9
26 4月 2008
As part of their What's Next 2008 series, TIME Magazine ranked the concept of Re-Judaizing Jesus as one of the 'Top 10 Ideas at Are Changing The World.' Worth a read in all circumstances.
25 4月 2008
Anti-Graffiti Measures Stepped Up In Ireland (?)
On several levels, new leaders are taking over in Ireland now, and with them comes more legislation against graffiti:However, this doesn't seem to have bothered the Christians much:
Hahahahahaha. G-d is great, and His name is being praised throughout the earth.
In Judaism Today (20 Nissan 5768):
Passover Day 7
Omer 6
I have been told...
...that this is a good, if not 'upsetting,' graphic novel. Worth checking out.
22 4月 2008
It appears that I am in need of some new shoe-age...
Less is more, right? :D
In Judaism Today (17 Nissan 5768):
Passover Day 4
Omer 3
21 4月 2008
The way of the future...
Yesterday evening marked the first day of the Jewish Passover. What an monumental (and intimate) event it was to commemorate with the Lord; He blessed me amazingly. To have heard an account of how He is permeating the lives of others close to me, and then to have been able to spend time with Him last night was really otherworldly. I see Him actively making provision for me in ways too abundant to enumerate. It is good to be completely sold-out for G-d; this is what I yearn for.
I watched "The Aviator" in its entirety for the first time last night. I found extreme parallels between the person of Howard Hughes and myself, and can't help but wonder if certain shades of my being await a similar fate.
Hughes allegedly watched this film over 150 times, and I find myself intrigued by the allure it held over him:
In Judaism Today (16 Nissan 5768):
Passover Day 3
Omer 2
In Judaism Yesterday (15 Nissan 5768):
Passover Day 2
Omer 1
19 4月 2008
China, in the news
An amazing experiment conducted recently in Dafen, China, has produced an even more amazing commentary on just how much we as human beings are influenced by what we engage ourselves in.
In other news (and also related to China), well,... $500,000. It would be amazing to live in a world where this was the best thing we could do with our money, but we don't. I mean, that's special, having the means to be able to do this, but... Couldn't do it. There is too much hurt, too much need in the world.
I gotta go represent now. Time to work. Been waiting for this for much too long.
18 4月 2008
Well, I was a little bit discouraged today while searching about for vector images. One site I came upon seemed pretty comprehensive, so, deviating from my original search, I decided to do a search for images matching my last name. This is what my search yielded:Hahahaha. I couldn't stop laughing, first and foremost because this is the polar opposite of who I am. Hahahaha. Oh, well.
Influences: Coats of Arms
Similar to banknotes, I love a good crest/seal/coat of arms. Particularly on a national level, these images can be rife with deep symbolism, representing untold ages of history, and can be a visual representation of a country's heritage. This aside, not all are created equal. Some of my favorites (click the images for larger versions):
17 4月 2008
Edward Lorenz...
... passed away yesterday. Too bad. I did my senior research project on chaos theory. It would have been nice to meet him.
I Want To Believe
July 25. I'm already there.
In Judaism Today (12 Nissan 5768):
Fast of the Firstborn
16 4月 2008
14 4月 2008
Polish girls have beautiful eyes
I'm not much of a gamer anymore, and I most certainly haven't played the online phenomenon that is World of Warcraft, but the social and fiscal dynamics taking place within this virtual world are, quite frankly, fascinating. You can find an article about just why here.
12 4月 2008
Terrence Howard is an amazing actor, and arguably my favorite, but what really got me on this one was the fact that lack of a solid establishment of the film's premise. That the protagonist's (Hayden Christensen) anesthesia failed (leaving him was awake, completely paralyzed, and yet still able to feel pain) during his entire heart surgery was only vaguely explained, meant that one could have walked into the film not knowing this and found Christensen's dialog quite comical. To hear him begging, "No, no, stop - auggghhhh!" throughout his operation, yet see in the closeups of his face that not a muscle moves, well, hahahaha. Brilliant.
Now, on a different topic (and for those unaware) All City is, to the best of my knowledge, the only graffiti shop in all of Dublin (Ireland?), and quite a fine one at that. I've been able to hop in there a few times recently, and always love the atmosphere. While small, it has just about everything one could ask for. If you're an art-head and are in the city (it's located in Temple Bar), it's a must-visit.
07 4月 2008
06 4月 2008
03 4月 2008
Thursday Evening Update, buuuut...
Needing a case for the new toy? This might be the place to start. Amazingly beautiful, buuuut... a little bit out of the ballpark. Hahahaha.
It's always amazing finding a design studio with some fresh visuals, buuuut... it smarts a bit when your Spanish isn't up to par. Three years' worth is no match for being out of the game another three. Ah, well, Mexico is still on the list.
...and holy moly! All the MTN Limited Editions I could want, and in one place! Buuuut... hahahaha.
02 4月 2008
Influences: Handwritten Text
Handwritten text can be one of the most beautiful, most personal interpretations/declarations of one's identity. Just as amazing are the plethora of ways in which one can engage the medium.
While researching Japanese (or more generally, East Asian) signatures, I created for myself this fanciful (but wholly worthwhile) pathway through the digital annals of written language, spanning the globe, as well as many continental cultures (Asia, Oceania, Europe...).
I had no intention of doing a full-out entry on just what captures me so about this medium (Perhaps a 'Part 2' is in the works for the future?), so I am content to merely share with you three of the more interesting styles from my hunt:
Hebrew Ashuri Alphabet:
More generally, Hebrew scripts:
Chinese Zhuwen- and Baiwen-style seals:
In terms of more Western fare, I happened upon a brilliant (English) calligraphy studio owned by one Mrs. Alison Furminger, who also happens to be a Christian. Very encouraging.
Art done by those at the top of their craft is one thing; art created by those who pursue Yeshua faithfully is an altogether much more beautiful and driven labor. It's done right. Whatever your vocation, if it is not done with Yeshua as the Lord of your life, it is meaningless, like chaff in the wind (as warned of in Ecclesiastes). When you become a Christian, the work finally has sense and meaning and a literal purpose behind it.