Ever been completely knocked off your feet by the candidness and spontaneity of your day? This is becoming more of rule for me than an exception. My brother and friend G-Town (you can see him in his own blog here) and I are both fans of well-done graffiti, so dismissing the fact that we both are vocal followers of Christ (and the thousands of other ways we are uncannily alike), we will always have a common ground. With it being a weekend, we had one of those oft-hoped-for days to roam Dublin together (G-Town is the Turk (or better yet, Dr. Cox) to my J.D.), but things never go as planned. Like I said, we can't have normal days. It's the Twilight Zone here on out.
This was one of those days when ducking onto trams at the last minute and evading security cameras seems to be the norm, even if only to be precautious. Hahah, yes. The image of the two of us running dow-... Ah, well. Back in the car (and safely on the way home) after our long day out, I made the comment that I had crawled through (and under) enough fences and been honked at by trains enough that day to last me for awhile. Much more needn't be said than that, hahahaha.
In the J & G blog, we commented on a prevalent graffiti artist by the name of DBC (word on the street has it that DBC is a Polish girl), and it was ultimately her who caused our day to turn into a rabbit trail. In fact, it was a string of her pieces which ultimately extended our hunt for several hours longer than expected (and ultimately concluded at Rathfarnam Castle).

In Judaism Today (16 Adar II 5768):
Shushan Purim